A motor vehicle accident can change your life in an instant — medical expenses, lost wages or permanent physical damage can leave you and your family devastated. At Morrow Porter Vermitsky & Taylo, PLLC, we offer experienced and strategic advocacy to protect the rights of our clients and maximize their compensation after an accident.
After an accident, insurance companies will contact you right away to try to write you a check for your care. However, you may not know the range of care you need or the amount of damages you are entitled to. It may also take months of investigation to determine causation and damages. Be sure to contact an attorney as soon as possible after an accident to protect your rights and claims. Our attorneys will deal with medical records and police reports, contact hospitals and witnesses, and gather the other evidence we need to build your case.
Our attorneys remain mindful of your best interests at every stage. While we are prepared to take any case to trial, we will not push for trial unless it is in your best interest. We are skilled in all aspects of motor vehicle accident claims, including preparation, negotiations and litigation. Please contact us if you need legal representation.
Case Type: Motor Vehicle Accident resulting in two broken arms and other permanent and disfiguring injuries
Result: Structured Settlement in an amount greater than $1,000,000
Case Type: Motor Vehicle Accident resulting in catastrophic injuries including a broken pelvis and other severe injuries
Result: Settlement– $452,500
CASE TYPE: Motor Vehicle Accident involving an injury to a passenger on a motorcycle
Result: Jury Verdict–$146,500
Case Type: Motor Vehicle Accident which led to one of the first cases which held a bar responsible for over serving a negligent defendant and helped to establish the theory of “dram shop liability” in North Carolina
Result: Jury Verdict greater than $350,000
Case Type: Represented individual who received severe and permanent injury in vehicle/farm tractor collision
Result: Settlement in excess of $950,000
Each of our attorneys is an experienced advocate that will fight to achieve results in your case.