Medical care requires the trust of the patient and their family. When you are placed under the care of a medical professional or when you turn a loved one over for medical attention, you trust in a standard of care. When that standard of care is breached, you may be entitled to significant compensation for any injuries sustained as a result of negligence. At Morrow Porter Vermitsky & Taylor, PLLC in Winston-Salem, we can help you make sense of your situation.
In North Carolina, a medical malpractice case is one of the most difficult lawsuits to pursue. Doctors, insurance companies and other medical professionals are experienced in contesting claims tooth and nail to try to prevent any recovery for patients and their families. If you or someone you love has suffered, it is important to consult with an experienced medical malpractice attorney who can protect your rights.
In addition to medical malpractice claims, our firm also handles professional liability claims, including claims against negligent lawyers. If you lost your case or were unable to recover as a result of unprepared or unqualified representation, you may be able to recover both for your underlying claim and for malpractice. Our attorneys will normally take malpractice cases on a contingency fee, meaning that we do not recover unless you do. We are committed to helping clients who would not otherwise have access to justice and bear the risk so that you can access the courtroom.
Case Type: Products Liability/Medical Malpractice Action resulting in severe and permanent injuries including disfiguring burns as a result of malfunctioning equipment and negligent conduct of the defendant’s care provider
Result: Settlement for$18,500,000
Case Type: Medical Malpractice claim representing estate of elderly hospital patient who died from bed sore contracted during hospital stay
Result: Settlement for $225,000
Case Type: Medical Malpractice claim representing estate of child who died after complications from delayed delivery
Result: Settlement for $500,000
Case Type: Medical Malpractice claim representing patient who lost eyesight after optometrist failed to diagnose diabetic retinopathy
Result: Settlement for $500,000
Case Type: Represented patient in Medical Malpractice claim against surgeon and hospital for retained surgical sponge
Result: Jury Verdict for $300,000
Case Type: Negligence Action in which the plaintiff was served bleach in the place of drinking water
Result: Jury Verdict for $360,000
Case Type: Represented estate of detainee who died as a result of negligence of health care provider for detention facility
Result: Confidential Settlement
Each of our attorneys is an experienced advocate that will fight to achieve results in your case.