There are few things in life that are more stressful, difficult and complicated than when two people decide to divorce. Where will the kids live? How do we make sure the kids are taken care of? Am I owed support? Alimony? How do we divide up our property? Who gets the house? All these questions and more will have to be discussed before you can move forward with your life. At Morrow Porter Vermitsky Fowler & Taylor, PLLC, our divorce lawyers offer experienced advocacy to protect your rights and help your family through this difficult transition.
Whether you are entering marriage and need a prenuptial agreement, considering divorce or facing litigation, competent legal representation is vital to your economic security and personal well-being. Our attorneys have more than 60 combined years of experience in dealing with a full range of North Carolina family law issues, from the complex division of multimillion-dollar estates to straightforward dissolutions involving relatively few assets.
A prenuptial agreement is important if you have children from a previous marriage or significant assets as you enter into the marriage. We have extensive experience in complex marriage planning, including estates valued at upwards of $50 million.
Morrow, Porter, Vermitsky & Taylor, PLLC offers the experience, legal knowledge and caring of our entire staff. Our family practice is led by Mr. John F. Morrow, a certified family law specialist with more than 40 years of legal experience. We look forward to meeting with you and helping to navigate the minefield of divorce and domestic litigation.
Each of our attorneys is an experienced advocate that will fight to achieve results in your case.